Sense of Place

Featuring works by

Photography Students at The Neighborhood Art House and NPAA Members:

Lainie Blair Addessi, Lisa Austin, Ron Bayuzick, Jamie Borowicz, Daniel Burke, Rachael Burke, Gary Cardot, Marsha Langnman Cisek, Robert Eustace, Carol Griffiths, Dorothy Kloss, Joe Krol, Brad Lethaby, Kimberly Mickelson-Slocum, Sarah MK Moody, Victoria Norvaisa, Brian Pardini, Joyce Perowicz, Alexa D. Potter, Kris Risto, Mary J. Rosiak, Deborah Sementelli-Hoenes, Francis T. Shanz, John Vahanian, Larry Walczak, Herm Weber, Rob Weber, Stephanie Wood, Greg Zbach 

Friday August 14-September 11 

Sense of Place

The Northwest Pennsylvania Art Association in tandem with the Neighborhood Art House created a group exhibition dealing with the concept of place and the response of the artist to their region, city, neighborhood or even personal space. Thus the artwork addresses psychological realms (Kris Risto, John Vahanian, Brad Lethaby); landscapes (Gary Cardot, Herm Weber); urbanscapes (Lisa Austin); environmental collapse (Alexa D. Potter, Larry Walczak); children (Sarah MK Moody) and abstractions (Francis T. Schanz, Rachel Burke, Joyce Perowicz). Curated alongside the spectra of NPAA member work is that of young photography students from the Neighborhood Art House—part of NPAA’s new endeavor to include diverse communities in the region including minorities, young people, senior citizens and New Americans in NPAA activities.

The Benedictine Sisters developed the Neighborhood Art House in a renovated building at 10th and Holland that has educated, encouraged and celebrated Erie’s inner city children. The Art House faculty offer classes in a rich variety of media, much of which would otherwise be unavailable to these or any other children. The Art House student work presented here is a formally beautiful, content-rich narrative of life in an urban environment.

The Curatorial Committee of the NPAA—chaired by new member Sarah MK Moody—and the Exhibitions Committee, led by Greg Zbach, hung Sense of Place.

Our deep thanks to Rick Bowser, manager of 1020 Collective, for graciously allowing use of this beautiful space; the children of the Neighborhood Art House; the members of the NPAA who contributed work to the show and the members of the curatorial and exhibition committees of the NPAA who curated and installed the exhibition. We hope that this exhibition is the beginning of more collaborative efforts between the NPAA and other nonprofits like the Neighborhood Art house who are doing so much to enrich the city of Erie and its arts community. 


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